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Therefore is Canon’s premier-exclusive information management, workflow and business analytics platform designed to help employees achieve numerous gains in efficiency and productivity, while decreasing time spent on burdensome administrative tasks and paper intensive processes. This is done by transforming paper-based document and business processes into electronic records and digital workflows. The end result is improved productivity, allowing employees’ resources to be redirected towards more strategic, rewarding work.

With Therefore™, all important information is kept in one location and can be accessed with security features from any compatible mobile phone or tablet, a web browser, or even taken offline and synchronized once reconnected to the server.

We know documents and processes frequently consist of groups of documents that should be treated together to maximize the visibility and understanding of a case or record. For example, a purchase order, a delivery note and an invoice are related to one another and together tell a full story.
Help free your organization of paper and enable your business processes to flow electronically. We offer a wide selection of tools to help capture, organize and manage your information. Our selection of solutions make email more secure, traceable, and accessible.

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